How to make relationships work : Aniston

London: Former Friends star Jennifer Aniston has doled out some advice on relationships, and why some are not easy to get along with.

In an interview on The Ticket, Aniston, 41, talks about how she feels better than she ever has, and doled out her take on what makes relationships so difficult these days.

"We're all a lot more complicated. We've also become more wary and more demanding, maybe," the Mirror quoted her as saying.

"Men and women are developing higher expectations and sometimes that creates too much pressure because your partner is not always going to be everything you want.

"We have to learn to appreciate our differences and enjoy the fact that we all evolve differently over time. So it's only natural that couples have to adjust to those changes.

"If you're open to that, it can be interesting and you can make that part of your journey together. Relationships are not static things. You have to keep communicating and trying to understand your partner," she added.


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